Serilog vs NLog Benchmarks

As discussed in the previous article about structured logging, I planned to look into Serilog in detail, and I decided to tackle this from a performance point of view. This article was finished a while ago but I never found time to review it and actually release it. I decided to focus these performance...

Recommended Podcasts

Covering some of the best podcasts in the industry, from This Week in Tech (TWiT) to Planet Money. Here are my recommendations for your daily commute....

Structured Logging

Nicholas Blumhardt, the creator of various widely used libraries including Serilog, said something that really got me thinking. Let me paraphrase because I don't really remember the exact words he used. But it goes along the lines that in order for log entries to be humanly readable, it often is at the cost of...

A new blog

This is not my first blog. I have had numerous failed attempts at blogging, from Live Spaces, to Blogger (formerly known as Blogspot), to a number of Wordpress blogs. There's a certain pleasure in setting up and exploring new software that tends to be short-lived. This time it's different, or at least I hope...